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TENAGA Nasional Berhad (TNB) has introduced the TNB Reskilling Malaysia initiative as part of its strategy to support the country’s economic recovery from the widespread socio-economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. TNB Reskilling Malaysia is being implemented to benefit both businesses and the rakyat alike. TNB seeks to support businesses located in Malaysia by providing recruitment services and candidate sourcing to fill their vacant positions. The reskilling training programme for successful candidates will then be conducted by TNB Integrated Learning Solution Sdn Bhd (TNB ILSAS) – a subsidiary of TNB.
For assistance please contact:
1.Is my company eligible to participate in TNB Reskilling Program?
All Malaysian companies, manufacturing’s & SMEs are welcome to participate in this program.
2.How TNB Reskilling Program will benefits my business?
i. Zero cost for onboarding processes, ii. trained and iii. skilled employees.
3.Do employer need to provide any supporting documents when applying?
i.Commitment letter and ii. Job description for employee (to be uploaded in – during registration)
4.Do employer need to find a job candidate by themselves?
Client may request to use TNB ILSAS Talent Database or conduct internal employees recruitment processes.
5.How many candidates can employer request/send to join this program?
ILSAS to train 1 to 5000 candidates/ year.
6.Do I responsible to hire candidates to work permanently?
No obstruction for companies to hire employees permanently. (min. job contract is 12 months).
7.Can I send current existing staff to participate in this program?
Yes, with condition that employees is newly hired by company – not more than 3 months.
8.Where is the training venue?
Central : TNB ILSAS Bangi, Selangor
East : KSAS Muadzam, Pahang
9.How much should I pay the salary?
Employer is required to comply with Malaysia minimum wage rates that is RM1,200/month (excluding overtime, existing allowances and other benefits).
10.How much cost should I bare to get all the hiring services and training from ILSAS?
Absolutely zero cost. ‘RM 0’.
TNB ILSAS is the premier corporate academy in Malaysia. It is the official training institute for Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB). Specialising in people solutioning for human capital excellence. TNB ILSAS has nurtured the human capital of Malaysia’s Electric Supply Industry (MESI) for over 40 years. TNB ILSAS conducts training programs for TNB, companies in Malaysia etc.
TNB ILSAS provides expert consultancy & services to TNB and other industries in Malaysia on engineering, business operation, change management, leadership, digital etc. Our experts are ever ready to assist any customers that require our consultancy & services.
ILSAS is the most experienced power utility trainer in Malaysia. It is the official training institute for Tenaga Nasional Berhad(TNB) and has nurtured the human capital of Malaysia’s Electric Supply Industry for over 40 years.